Sirius Algeria
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اذهب الى الأسفل

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مُساهمة من طرف عزيزة الثلاثاء ديسمبر 14, 2010 7:07 am

تمحور التشات الذي فتحته ناسا عبر موقعها حول الزخة الشهبية للتوأميات و الذي استمر حتى الساعة 10:30 بتوقيت الجزائر صبيحة 14/12/2010اليوم وقد شارك فيه هواة من كل بقاع العالم.
طبعا قد يفكر البعض أنه نقاش على مستوى عال جدا كونه مع متخصصين ولكن المشاركات تضمنت استفسارات متباينة معضمها كان بسيطا كأسئلة حول مسببات الزخة، ذروتها، مكوناتها ، المناطق التي ترصد منها ، وفي أي بقعة من السماء.....
من بين المشاركات التي جلبت اهتمامي سؤال عن تغير ألوان الشهب واختلافها وهدا راجع حسب الجواب المختصر لأحد القائمين على التشات، للتباين اللوني في الغلاف الجوي نفسه
أما أنا فقد حظيت بجواب حول استفسارين أولهما : عن امكانية رؤية الزخة من على المحطة الدولية الفضائية وقد تكرر نفس السؤال كثيرا فيما بعد، وكانت الإجابة بالإيجاب
الثاني هو : ما الذي قد يجعل الزخة الشهبية أكثر غزارة عدى المرور الحديث للمذنب المسبب لها
فكانت الاجابة هي: تقدم الزخة نحو مدار الأرض بسبب عوامل الجاذبية المختلفة.
فعلا كان النقاش ممتعا وهو لم يخلو من التشجيعات من طرف القائمين عليه
كما أنني انتبهت لمشاركة من زميلتنا فايزة أيضا نتمنى أن تشاركنا بآرائها حول الموضوع........
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جانب من التشات
d14238: can someone tell me the best time to see the meteor shower
Rhiannon_Blaauw: 1 am to 3 am local time.

Brooke: Hello to everyone just now joining the chat! Here are some viewing tips from our astronomers. Go out to an area where there is as little light pollution as possible, and give your eyes some time to adjust. It often takes 45 minutes for your eyes to fully adjust to the dark. If your area has poor weather, unfortunately there isn't much use in trying to see Geminids live, BUT you can check our our live Web cam: Most of the world is positioned for a great view of the Geminids. Only if you live below 50 degrees (South) latitude are you unable to see the Geminids, which rules out antarctica. For those that live around the equator or in the northern hemisphere, the best time to see the Geminids is between 1am and 2 am local time, though you should be able to see plenty all night long. After you have given your eyes time to adjust to the dark, just look straight up, be patient, and then enjoy.

foo: What is observed if a meteor "skip"s off the atmosphere?
Rhiannon_Blaauw: The closest to what you are getting at would be called a 'grazer', where the meteor comes in at a very low angle and just 'grazes' along and lasts a while. Even grazers will usually get completely ablated in the atmosphere and not 'skipped off' though.

CLAYSAYS84: how close are meteors when they pass by?
Rhiannon_Blaauw: The Geminid meteors burn up about 75 kilometers, or 47 miles up, the lowest recorded Geminid is at 35 km, or 22 miles up.

nicool: what are the meteors generally made up of? and you said they are mm to cm in size as they reach earths atmosphere? how can something so small produce so much light?
Danielle_Moser: Meteoroids are generally made of rock and ice. Typical sizes of Geminid meteoroids are mm - cm sized particles, you are right. It's pretty amazing that something so small produces so much light, isn't it? But these particles are moving EXTREMELY fast, about 80,000 mph. Technical answer: As the meteoroids plow into the atmosphere they collide with many, many air molecules and this strips away the outer layers of the particle. In subsequent collisions electrons are knocked into higher orbits. When the electrons fall back down to their rest positions, light is emitted and we see it as a meteor.

CLAYSAYS84: Are we able to hear any of the metors as they burn up?
Rhiannon_Blaauw: Yup! If you turn up the audio on the ustream video you may hear chirps and whistles. The meteors ionize the air around them as they burn up and these ionized air molecules reflect radio waves back to the radio. As the meteor moves, the frequency changes, which accounts for the various sounds. Some people have been known to hear meteors with their own ears while observing them. The meteors will have to be very low though, in order to be heard that way.

tomthx: Sorry I arrived late and have seen a few flashes on live stream which is great. I have been reading up about the shower, since reading the NASA tweet yesterday, and would like to know the best time to view the shower in Sydney Australia?
Danielle_Moser: Well, the peak time was between 1 and 3 am local time on the morning of Dec 14. But you can still see meteors Dec 14-15, though the rates will be somewhat reduced.

Q: what could make the shower heavier except thecomet pass ?
Your question has been submitted to the moderator.

Tania: NASA thanks for the transmision , we saw an imagen like the earth or moon, what was that?
Danielle_Moser: The USTREAM briefly tapped into the feed from the International Space Station.

view3dtv: hi thanks for being there... in baltimore md how much does the shower trail off the next few days?
Rhiannon_Blaauw: It will trail off considerably. Tomorrow night you may see 30-50 meteors per hour, and then the next night it *may* be half of that again. But keep in mind that these meteor showers occur often! The Quadrantids are at the beginning of January and are quite a nice shower as well.

SouthTexas101: That was the biggest one yet looked like a tennis ball in size. wow!
Rhiannon_Blaauw: We've seen a couple beauts here as well!

Brooke: Thanks for the fantastic participation everyone! Really appreciate all of the great comments and questions. This is shaping up to be a terrific night for Geminid-viewing. We're entering the last half hour of our "up all night" chat, so please send your final questions to Danielle and Rhiannon. Thanks much.

sara: So glad for the live feed, as Los Angeles is covered in a thick blanket of fog, the likes of which I can't ever recall seeing... Of course if I was up in the hills or even near the mountains, I don't know if the weather would be any different... but glad I've caught a few here on the live feed
Rhiannon_Blaauw: Glad you can watch here, Sara. But I'm disappointed LA is covered in fog!

WB8ELK: Could only stand to be outside for 5 minutes (can I borrow a Space Suit?)....but I saw 10 good ones in that time...approx 2 per minute at the moment. Is the audio on your feed coming from bursts from the NAVSPASUR radar? - Bill in Madison AL
Danielle_Moser: Pretty cold for AL, eh? :-) The audio feed is from the forward scatter radar system here at Marshall Space Flight Center. Take a look at

Aziza: what could make the shower heavier except thecomet pass ?
Rhiannon_Blaauw: The shower stream may be moving closer to the earth's orbit due to various gravitational affects.

Hodgetucson05: I'm in tucson and it is 2:17 AM, have I missed the action?
Rhiannon_Blaauw: Nope! Go outside and look... you should still see lots. Let us know if you do see many!

nicool: Thanks so much for all the info tonight! this was really cool hopefully I'll catch some tomorrow! have a great night, all
Rhiannon_Blaauw: You too! Thanks for joining us!

view3dtv: Do the astronauts on the ISS have a good view of the meteor shower?
Rhiannon_Blaauw: The astronauts on the ISS could potentially see Geminids. However they are orbiting at 250 miles up, and the Geminids ablate at about 47 miles up, so the astronauts would have to look down instead of up.

BEN: what is the black point in the bottom right of the video feed? and which way is north on the feed?
Rhiannon_Blaauw: The black point is a defect of the camera, unfortunately.

NYC_Watcher: Is the live feed being recorded and will it be available for download?
Rhiannon_Blaauw: No, however if you go to you will be able to see videos of bright Geminids over the next few days! Also, the ustream video should still be up tomorrow night for your enjoyment.

cyber5: Do any of the Radio telescopes pay attention to meteor showers? Can they tune into them, or are they too close?
Danielle_Moser: Indeed they do, though some showers aren't ideal for observing with a radio telescope, due to their size/speed (ie the Canadian Meteor Orbit Radar (CMOR) doesn't observe many Perseids since the stream has a lot of larger particles).

like_to_know: Would you be able to see the show from the space station?
Danielle_Moser: Yes, when ISS is on the night side of the Earth astronauts can look down and see meteors ablate in the Earth's atmosphere from above.

ThePeacePixie: So do we only see reflections of light bouncing off each meteor from the sun- like the moon, persay; or do we only see the light emitted from combustion of each meteor in our atmosphere?
Rhiannon_Blaauw: The second option. What we see is the burning up, or ablating, or ionization of the particles in the atmosphere. When the meteoroid hits the atmosphere, electrons pop off the atoms. This is called ionization. While the particle itself may be only an inch across, the ionization trail can be many feet across.


عدد المساهمات : 548
نقاط : 623
تاريخ التسجيل : 07/12/2008

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مُساهمة من طرف FIFISTAR الثلاثاء ديسمبر 14, 2010 3:03 pm

نعم عزيزة، يبدو أنك لاحظت سؤالي حول سبب الإختلاف اللوني للشهب ، في الحقيقة أنا أيضا كان سؤالك من بين الأسئلة التي جلبت إنتباهي ^^
لقد شاركت في التشات و لاحظت أن الأسئلة في معظمها كانت رصدية و تتلخص في إستفسارات قد تبدو بسيطة و لكنها تصب أحيانا في الصميم بالنسبة لعلم الفلك المواقعي و الرصد. و لحسن الحظ فقد حظيت على إجابات لأسئلتي من طرف مختصين ، ثم إنني قد سجلت أهم الأسئلة المطروحة و إجابات الفلكيين عنها و أعد بإدراجها في المنتدى بعد ترجمة معناها لتعم الفائدة و يستفيد منها من لم يتمكن من مواكبة التشات.
يبقى ان التجربة في حد ذاتها كانت ممتعة و مثيرة ، خاصة عندما تقرأ رسالة شخص من المكسيك يعبر عن فرحته لتمكنه من رؤية بضع شهب و آخر من أريزونا يعدد الشهب التي كان قد رصدها و كأنه طفل صغير يحصي بفخر عدد الحلزونات التي تمكن من جمعها... فعلا يجعلنا الفلك أحيانا مثل الأطفال Wink

لن يكون هاو الفلك بحاجة إلى ينبوع الشباب أبدا ما دام حب الفلك يسري في عروقه و يبقي روحه غضة طرية


عدد المساهمات : 6
نقاط : 13
تاريخ التسجيل : 12/09/2009

الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل

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مُساهمة من طرف la comet zinou الثلاثاء ديسمبر 14, 2010 3:46 pm

لن يكون هاو الفلك بحاجة إلى ينبوع الشباب أبدا ما دام حب الفلك يسري في عروقه و يبقي روحه غضة طرية

كم هي رائعة هذه الكلمات شكرا فايزة وعزيزة
كانت حقا تجربة راااائعة بإمتياز على بساطتها
أنا الآخر شاركت بهذا "التشات الحلم" وقد نلت شرف إجابة مختص بالناسا على سؤال لي
كانت حقا تجربة كما قالت فايزة أنا أيضا نقلت بعض من الاسئلة الجيدة من غرفة التشات سأحاول كذلك ترجمتها ووضعها بالمنتدى وتحضيرها للمناقشة يوم السبت في حصة الجمعية فهذه التجربة رائعة بإمتياز

la comet zinou

عدد المساهمات : 221
نقاط : 219
تاريخ التسجيل : 21/11/2008

الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل

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مُساهمة من طرف Bakir الأربعاء ديسمبر 15, 2010 8:01 am

مبروك عليكم ..جميل فعلاً الحوار بين هواة فلك من شتى أصقاع العالمر وفي نفس الوقت.


عدد المساهمات : 702
نقاط : 753
تاريخ التسجيل : 28/09/2008

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مُساهمة من طرف Sirius Ray الإثنين ديسمبر 20, 2010 4:29 am

فكرة رائعة وجميلة بارك الله فيكم
Sirius Ray
Sirius Ray

عدد المساهمات : 167
نقاط : 127
تاريخ التسجيل : 22/10/2008
العمر : 32

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